where manufacturing is powered by IT

MES center is here for those who are interested in control and monitoring of production processes, detailed scheduling, production logistics, production quality and maintenance from the perspective of MES / MOM information systems.

What are MES / MOM systems?

Get inspired how others have handled MES / MOM projetcs

You can learn the most from the experience of others. The MES center prepares for you a series of articles aimed at describing already implemented MES / MOM systems or their parts. It is an ideal opportunity to get inspiration and experience from others to design changes in your own production and to specify the requirements for a new solution.

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 Find out how to choose a new MES / MOM solution


Before you start choosing a new solution, read how to choose the new MES / MOM system correctly and avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Choose the right solution to suit your needs. A different solution may be appropriate for each type of production, even the manufacturing company.

Choose the right supplier for your new solution or service. Our database of suppliers will help you.

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 How choose MES / MOM MES / MOM catalog
Catalog of suppliers

Gain the necessary knowledge to realize your projects

Find out what are the standards for MES / MOM systems, what are the current trends, how to properly implement OEE, detailed production scheduling and what challenges brings Industry 4.0 to MES / MOM systems. The MES Center is an organizer or partner of many professional events such as seminars, conferences or training sessions. Do not miss the opportunity to gain new experience at some of these events.
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