Stay ahead of the competition and increase the knowledge of your key people in the integration of manufacturing information systems. Many manufacturing companies have made significant investments in MES / MOM solutions and sophisticated ERP systems. However, these investments will not bring full expectations until each of these systems has effective, robust and sustainable access to information from other systems.

MES Cetrum together with ISA EMEA organized a training on the ANSI / ISA-95 standard in Brno (November 25 - 25, 2015). The training was led by a certified trainer of ISA International and participants received an internationally recognized ISA certificate of completion of the ANSI / ISA-95 course.

When 24. to 25. of November 2015
Where Faculty of Informatics MU, Brno, Czech Republic
Event organizer
MES Center
Event type
Event type: Training

201511 ISA95Training GroupPhoto

Training description

Many manufacturing firms have made significant investments in flexible shop-floor execution systems and in sophisticated enterprise planning (ERP) systems. Those investments, however, cannot yield their full potential until each has access to the information and capabilities of the other. The ANSI/ISA95 standard addresses that coordination problem by providing a sound, robust definition of business activities and the information that must flow between those two realms. This course also teaches the terminology used in Information Technology (IT) departments, so that manufacturing and IT personnel can effectively work together on integration projects.
This course defines an approach to integrating manufacturing systems with other business logistics systems using the models and functions defined in the ANSI/ISA95 standard. The course describes in detail the information that must be shared between enterprise (ERP) and shop floor systems. Enterprise/Control integration is the integration of the business and administrative processes managing the order and product with the manufacturing plant responsible for real-time process execution. Business systems focus on optimizing business processes and operational decision-making while manufacturing control systems focus on the control and optimization of real-time production processes and resources.

  • Specify the requirements for an enterprise/control integration solution
  • Understand the issues involved in the integration of logistics to manufacturing control
  • Identify the business processes that need information from manufacturing systems
  • Identify the manufacturing control processes that need information from business systems
  • Understand the business drivers involved in integration
  • Identify the detailed information associated with enterprise/control integration
  • Understand the roles of UML, XML and B2MML in vertical integration
  • Apply the ISA95 object models

Event location